Latest Episodes

#45 "Work from Home Culture with Dave Helmly of Adobe Part 2"
Does Adobe battle test new features and versions of Premiere Pro in the field before the put it in your hands? When should you...

#44 "Work-From-Home Culture with Dave Helmly of Adobe"
How has the immediate need to work remotely affected our editing and production disciplines? How are creatives, and the solutions they use, rapidly adapting...

#43 "Cloud Editing Realities and Myths"
When and where does it make sense to incorporate the cloud into your post-production workflow? The cloud is here and it's staying, but confusion...

#42 "Preserving Treasures"
Media storage technology has come a long way since the days of cellulose film. The film and tape still around today may contain hidden...

#41 "Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning: Why Should You Care?"
The verdict is in. So much data is being produced today that humans can’t keep up. For many years now, CHESA has been exploring...

#40 “How to Buy a DAM...and How Not To”
Are there right and wrong ways to purchase and deploy an asset management system? Ghost ships happen. Is there a failed MAM or DAM...