Latest Episodes

#52 Creativity Driving Innovation, a talk with Michael Cioni
In the second half of our interview with Michael Cioni of, Ben and Jason ask Michael about his background and the sights he...

#51 Workflow In the Cloud - Creativity Drives Innovation - A Talk with Michael Cioni
For this episode of The Workflow Show, we're delighted to have guest Michael Cioni, Global SVP of Innovation at, as our guest. Jason...

#50 Media Workflow Basics : Part 2.5 of 5 Media Storage
In this second half of the second installment, or part two of part two, of the Media and Entertainment Digital Workflow Series, Jason and...

#48 Media Workflow Basics: Part 1 of 5: Ingest Media and Ingest Video
Join Jason and Ben as they begin a multi-episode tour through the digital media workflow and entertainment workflow creation process. In this first episode,...

#47 "Building a Bridge between Media Production and IT Professionals with Daniel Rosenberg, Lead Creative Technologies, PVH Corp."
Creative professionals are used to driving their technology decisions based on the technical requirements of their media creation processes. What happens when they find...

#46 "Solutions Architect Round Table — Remote Workflow Strategy"
How do we see organizations changing in order to provide their production teams with the tools to succeed to create engaging media at a...